12th International Indology Graduate Research Symposium, July 22nd – 24th, 2021, Vienna, Austria

The 12th International Indology Graduate Research Symposium (IIGRS 12) will be held in Vienna, Austria, from July 22 to 24, 2021. It will be funded and organised by the Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies (Institut für Südasien-, Tibet- und Buddhismuskunde, ISTB) of the University of Vienna in collaboration with the Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia (Institut für die Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens, IKGA) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
The conveners of the Symposium invite you to submit proposals for a presentation of approximately 20 minutes.
Submission of papers:
If you wish to present a paper you must submit a 300-word abstract (described below) to iigrsuk@googlemail.com by 15th January 2020. You will be notified about the outcome of your application in mid-February.
Content of the abstract:
Abstracts should not exceed 300 words and should include:
1) Your name and institution
2) Indication of research degrees and positions held.
3) The title of your paper.
4) A broad indication of its subject area.
5) An outline of its contents.
Please send your abstract in an open document format (e.g. txt, odf, or docx) as well as in PDF format.
The subject matter of your paper may be any Indological topic, provided it is based on primary sources studied in the original language. This includes but is not limited to philological, text-historical, manuscriptological or literary studies. See FAQ for more information visit the website of the organizers HERE
IIGRS — International Indology Graduate Research Symposium
The IIGRS has been consecutively organized since 2009 in several European universities across five countries (see our historical archive). After the success of the eleventh symposium organized at Wolfson College, University of Oxford (UK) (1-2 November 2019), IIGRS 12 will take place at the University of Vienna, Austria on 22-24 July 2021.