Asian Studies at Ionian University

The Presidential Decree 76/2009 by which the Department of Asian studies is established in the Ionian University was published in the Official Gazette of the Hellenic Republic issue A 95/22-06-2009.

Pursuant to the above mentioned Presidential Decree, teaching and enrolment of students to the Department start as of the academic year from which the number of those admitted is determined for the first time.

The Department’s objectives are as follows:

  1. cultivation and promotion – via teaching and research in the Greek and the English languages – of the language – linguistics, literature, history, culture, political institutions, policy, economy and international economic relations of Japan, China and the Asian countries (India and Korea).
  1. provision of the students with necessary materials which secure their comprehensive preparation for a scientific and professional career,
  1. organization of post-graduate studies which will lead to the formation of scientists with the knowledge in specific cognitive subjects, and
  1. provision of the public administration with substantiated information and scientific data which would facilitate cooperation with India, Japan, China, and Korea.

The Department awards the unified certificate and degrees up to the doctorate. Initially, the unified certificate will be provided for the following specialties:

    a)  Japanese studies and b) Chinese studies.

The Department’s General Meeting take decisions on the themes of the 6-months semesters, the inception of specialties functioning, time and procedure for lodging of students’ applications according to their preferences, a way such choice can be made and every detail related to the specialization.

The minimum studies’ duration mandatory to obtain the certificate is eight (8) six-months semesters.

The following positions are established for the functioning of the Department of Asian Studies at the Ionian University: twenty-one (21) teachers–researchers, six (6) specialized and workshop teaching staff members, and five (5) specialized technical workshop teaching staff members, two (2) of which should hold the PE University degree and three (3) – the technical degree.

The newly established Department is a result of the fruitful policy carried out by rector Dimitris Tsougkarakis and the Senate of the Ionian University in collaboration with the Ambassadors of India, Japan, China, and Korea. This event enjoyed immediate positive governmental response whilst there had already been the Presidential Decree of 2003 on the establishment of the Department of Turkish and Modern Asian Studies in the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, where the second department failed yet to function until now, mainly due to the University’s decentralization.

Meanwhile, the Ionian University has developed the dynamic affiliation with the unique in Greece Museum of Asian Arts, another Corfu institution which possesses a rich collection of Greek-Indian (Gandhara), Chinese and Japanese works of art of considerable international importance.


With the establishment of the Department of Asian Studies in Corfu, once again the Ionian University plays a leading role in the country’s educational events and continues the long tradition in arts developed by prominent local men of letters, like Constantine Theotokis, Lorentsos Mavilis,Lefcadios Hearnand others.

Over many years establishment of the University Faculty has been a dream of all Corfu inhabitants and is of utmost importance not only for the region’s educational upgrade but for the improvement of international cultural, educational, tourist and developmental relations, especially with the rapidly growing economies of India, China, and the Far East. These new tendencies are already expressing in the enrichment of the Corfu Annual Summer Festival and participation of musicians and dancing troupes from India, Thailand and other Asian countries.


Up: The Ionian University in Corfu.

Down: The writer Constantine Theotokis from Corfu who wrote the History of Indian Litterature.


The above Department could not start functioning so far. For further updates please visit the Ionian University’s site HERE