Digital Libraries and Web resources project

The Research Department at the Athens Center for Indian and Indo-Hellenic Studies is creating an Indo-Greek digital library and a collection of web resources on the languages, history, and culture of South Asia, called “Indology Libraries and Web Resources” (ILWR). The current collection can be seen on this link:

We are making such material available on a non-commercial basis for research and educational purposes and we are inviting scholars to suggest previously digitized material and web resources for possible inclusion in the ILWR. For more information about this project, please email:

The ILWR may legally publish on its website the scholarly material that satisfies one of the following criteria:

1. Works that are considered to be in the public domain under the European Union and South Asian copyright laws (70 years after the death of the author in Greece, and 60 years after the death of the author in India);

2. Published works that may still be covered by the copyright, but may be made available on a non-commercial basis for research and educational purposes under fair use;

3. Works of any publication date for which you are, or are in contact with, the copyright holder, and for which you can provide or obtain written permission for inclusion in the ILWR collection.

If you know of any material or web-resource that is within the scope and deserves inclusion in the ILWR on the basis of the criteria above, please write to Our research team will review and respond to each submission.