राजभाषा हिंदी – Official language Ηindi

मैं हिंदी के जरिए प्रांतीय भाषाओं को दबाना नहीं चाहता किंतु उनके साथ हिंदी को भी मिला देना चाहता हूं ।
महात्मा गांधी

“I do not want to suppress the provincial languages through Hindi but I want to join Hindi with them too.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Devanagari Alphabet

Learn how to write the Devanagari letters

Devanagari Pronunciation and Transliteration

Game for learning Devanagari

Deskbook on Orthography of Devanagari Script (download PDF)

Devanagari writing

Google input tools Hindi (for windows 11)
Download from your browser Google-hindi-input-setup.zip
Open first GoogleinputTools.exe
Then GoogleimputHindi.exe

Hindi Indic Input 3 (for windows 10 )
Hindi Indic Input 3 provides a very convenient way of entering text in Devanagari script using the English QWERTY keyboard in any editing application (Office Application/WordPad /Notepad) that supports Text.
Hindi Indic Input 3-User Guide.pdf
Hindi Indic Input 3 64-Bit Download

How to Type in Hindi on a Mac
Video Tutorials

Lexilogos (online Devanagari keyboard)


Greek-Hindi & Hindi-Greek Dictionary Book

Hindi-English & English-Hindi Dictionary (HinKhoj) Online

Hindi-English & English-Hindi Dictionary (Sabdkosh) Online

Hindi-English & English-Hindi Dictionary (Bolti Dictionary) Online


Information regarding the use of Hindi as official language

World Hindi Secretariat