(Special issue on the theme “India and the Graeco-Roman World”)



The latest issue of the Indian Historical Review has been dedicated on the theme “India and the Graeco-Roman World”. This volume of the biannual journal of the Indian Council of Historical Research has been edited by Prof. Bindeshwar Ram and  the active support of Prof. U.P. Arora, Guest Editor and General Secretary of the Indian Society for Greek and Roman Studies.


Distinguished scholars in Indo-Greek Studies from India, Greece and elsewhere have contributed their highly specialized papers in the domains of archaeology, history, art, philosophy and religion, illuminating new aspects in the cultural contacts that have united the Indian Peninsula and the Greek World for Millennia.  The names of the contributors and the themes of their published papers are given below:


ABHAY KUMAR SINGH from MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly on:

“History of Greeks of the Ancient Indian North-West: Looking Ahead of Controversies to Major Issues.”


UDAl PRAKASH ARORA, General Secretary of the Indian Society for Greek and Roman Studies on: “The Fragments of Onesikritos on India – An Appraisal.”


OSMUND BOPEARACHCHI Director of Research CNRS Paris on:

“Contribution of Greeks to the Art and Culture of Bactria and India: New Archaeological Evidence.”


COSTIS DAVARAS from Athens University on:

“Bronze Age Crete and India.”


SUNIL GUPTA from Allahabad Museum on:

“A Historiographical Survey of Studies on Indo-Roman Sea Trade and Indian Ocean Trade.”


C. MARGABANDHU from New Delhi on:

“Roman Influence on the Art of Clay’ Modelling of the Satavahanas:

A Study in Cultural Fusion”


KLAUS KARTTUNEN from the University of Helsingi on:

“Supposed Graeco-Roman Goddesses and Related Matter in the Aizgavijjii”


N. KAZANAS, Director of Omilos Meleton Cultural Institute, Athens on:

“Advaita and Gnosticism”


DEMETRIOS TH. VASSILIADES, President, Hellenic-Indian Society for Culture and Development on: “India and Greece: Early Philosophical Understanding.”


FRANK L. HOLT from the University of Houston, USA on:

“Alexander the Great, India, and the Mediterranean World.”


The volume has incorporated reviews on the eight editions of the annual Journal for Hellenic Studies, ‘Yavanika’ published by the Indian Society for Greek and Roman Studies, University of Bareilly and on three related Books, viz.:


MARIE-FRANCOISE BOUSSAC and JEAN-FRANCOIS SALLES, eds, Athens, Adem, Arikamedu: Essays on the Interrelation between India, Arabia and the Eastern Mediterranean by Anupa Mishra,


OM PRAKASH and DENIS LOMBARD, eds, Commerce and Culture in the  Bay of Bengal. 1500-1800 by Rajat Kanta Ray, and


U.P. ARORA, Graeco-Indica- India’ s Cultural Contacts with the Greek World by Shyam Bihari Lal.


The Journal is published by the Indian Council of Historical Research in collaboration with the Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, New Delhi and is available through the Major Indological distributors all over the world.