International Seminar οn Greece beyond Greece

The Indian society of Greek and Roman Studies, the Greek chair, Jawaharlal Nehru University and the Special Centre for Sanskrit Studies, JNU, New Delhi were jointly organized an International Seminar on Greece beyond Greece(With Special Reference to Vedic, Greek and Iranian Parallels: The cultural Triangle) from 17th to 19th April, 2010 at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

Conveners of the Seminar were Prof. Udai Prakash Arora, Visiting Professor, Greek Chair JNU   and Dr. Hari Ram Mishra,  Assistant Professor, Special Centre for Sanskrit Studies, JNU. The inauguration was made by H.E. the Ambassador of Greece to India Mr. Stavros Lykides.

During the seminar Prof. U.P. Arora released the latest two issues of the journal Yavanica, published by the Indian Society for Greek and Roman Studies. Dr. Dimitrios Vassiliadis presented also Dimitrios Galanos’  Lexicon Sanskrit – English – Greek that was published recently in Greece. The participated scholars presented their research papers according to the following sessions:

Inaugural Session


11:30 am. Welcome & Introduction of Seminar Prof. U.P. Arora

11:40 am. Inauguration His Excellency Mr. Stavros Lykides, Ambassador of Greece, New Delhi

11:45 p.m. Keynote address ProfG.C. Pande, Former Chairperson I.I.A.S. SHIMLA

12:15 p.m. Special Address Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan, Chairperson India International Center Asia Project

12:45 p.m. Chairpersons Remarks Prof. Shankar Basu, Dean, SLL& CS, JNU

12:55 p.m. Vote of Thanks Dr. Hari Ram Mishra

SessionI 2:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m.

Chairperson: Prof. G.C. Tripathi

Convenor: Prof. A.K. Sinha

1. R.P Goldman: India beyond India

2. Prof. Om Prakash: India & Greece Historiography to hegemonise & dehegemonise

3. Prof. K.G. Srivastav: A Discourse on Pococks India in Greece

Session II 3:45 p.m. 5:15p.m.

Chairperson: Prof V.C.Srivastava

Convenor: Dr. G.N. Jha

1. Prof. A.K. Sinha: Ancient Indian attitude towards the Greeks

2. Dr. D.K. Ojha: Impact of Greek Historiography on Modern Indian Historical writings

3. Demetrios Vassiliades Greeks & Buddhism: An Inter Cultural Encounter

Sunday 18th April 2010

Session III 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Chairperson: Prof K.K. Thapliyal

Convenor: Dr. R.K Mishra

1. Prof. Prashant Srivastav Some Observations on the status of  Goddesses in Vedic Avestan and Greek Pantheons

2. Prof. Rekha Chaturvedi The myth of Apsaras: India Greece and Iran

3. Dr. Renu Shukla Minandar & his personal religion

4. Dr. S.B. Lal: Indian image of the Yavanas.

Session IV: 11.15a.m 1:15 p.m.

Chairperson: Prof: K.M. Shrimeli

Convenor: Dr. C.U. Rao

1. Prof. V.C Srivastav: The city of Aikhanum Some observations

2. Sayyad Reza Hussain: Function of the Greek Bactrian city Aikhanum

3. Dr. Suneel Gupta: Greek & Roman Syncretism in the hubs of Indian Ocean Trade

4. Suchanda Ghosh: From Oxus to the Indus; Understanding Hellenism in the Region

Session V 2:00 4:00 p.m.

Chairperson: Dr. Ishrat Alam

Convenor: Dr. S.K. Shukla

1. Shushma Srivastava: Alexandria as a source of Hellenic Prosperity

2. Prof. A.K. Pasha: Alexandria: hub of IndoGreek Intellectual activities

3. Dr. Akhatar Hussain: Reception of Alexander in Shahnama

4. Dr. Anita Goswami Asceticism in the Hellenstic world

Session VI 4:15 to 6:15p.m

Chairperson Prof. Om Prakash

Convenor: Dr. R.N. Jha

1 Prof. R.P. Singh: Methodological Interface between Indian & Greek Philosophy

2. Dr. Alkasaran: Concept of Atomism: Democritus and Vaisheshic philosophy

3. Prof. J.S. Tripathi: Some parallel points in classical Indian & Greek Philosophy

4. Prof.K. T. S. Sarao: IndoGreek Invasion in the Context of Decline of Buddhism

Monday 19th April 2010

Session VII 9:00 11:00 a.m.

Chairperson: Prof. K.G Srivastava

Convenor: Dr. Akhalaque A. Ansari

1. R. Dhyanshekaran: A Comparative study of Tolkappiam and Technik Grammatik

2. Dr. A. Bandyopadhyaya: Greek impact on Russian Language

3. Bharata Gupta: Rethinking on Ancient Greek drama

4. Ashish Agnihotri: Tragedy: Indian & Western Traditions

Session VIII. 11:15 1:00p.m

Chairperson: Prof. S. Z. H. Jaffry

Convenor: Dr. Ashish Agnihotri

1. Prof. B. Subramanyam The Idea of Order; Eric Voegelin & the Revival of Greek Political Philosophy

2. Prof. Ashvini Mahapatra: Greece & Cyprus: Past and present

3. Naryan Nafr M.: Hellenistic foundation of Ethics in Persian Mulism Philosophers

Session IX: Valedictory Session 2:30 4:30p.m

Chairperson: Prof .S.P. Gautam

Convenor: Prof. Shashiprabha kumar

Chief Guest: Dr. Nikolao Kyrillos

Charge, affairs, High Commission Of Cyprus

Panel Discussion:

Prof. K.K. Thapliyal

Prof. Om Prakash

Prof. U. P Arora

Dr. H.R Mishra

Prof. V.C. Srivastav