Lectures & Seminars – All years
Seminar on the “Confluence of Civilizations: India, Greece & Others”
23 & 24 December 2018: Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
A tribute to BKS Iyengar on his birth centenary
15 December 2018: Shakti Yoga Studio, Athens
Special event tribute to the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi
21 November 2018: Public Cafe, Athens
International Symposium on Jain History, Art and Culture
17-18 November 2018: Museum of Asian Art, Corfu
Seminar, “Ai Khanoum: Alexandria on Oxus, North-east Afganistan”
2 November 2018: Laiko Univeristy, Athens
One- day conference: “India and Greece – Aspects of Indian Culture in Modern Greece”
1 November 2018: Harokopeio University
Lecture “Youth, Technology and Ideas: Shaping the Contours of the 21st Century” by H.E. the President of India Shri Ram Nath Kovind
4 September 2018: Univwesity of Cyprus, Nikosia
Lectures “Cultural Links between Ancient India & Greece” by Dimitrios Vassiliadis
31 August 2018, Dehradun, India
Lectures series on “Two seminal cultures – India and Greece” by Prof. Bharat Gupt
2-4 July 2018, Bangalore-India
24th conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art
2-6 July 2018, University “L’Orientale,” Naples
Lecture, “India and Europe in a changing world” by H.E. the President of India Shri Ram Nath Kovind
Tuesday 19th June 2018 from 11.00 to 12.00 at the Zappeion Megaron (upon invitation)
Summer workshop on Greek Language, Culture & Civilization at Jawaharlal Nehru University May 26-30, 2018: Greek Chair, School of Language, Literature & Culture Studies, JNU, New Delhi
Speech, “Sacred Dance in Ancient Greece and India” by Leda Santala
Saturday, May 5, 2018: Shantom Cultural Center, Kato Chalandri.
Lecture: “India: its history, culture and eating habits” by Mary Devoli March 19, 2018: 1st Experimental Gymnasium of Athens
Speech, “Demetrios Galanos and His Legacy: Sanskrit Studies in Greece” by Dimitrios Vassiliadis
February 6, 2018, 16:00-17:30: Jawaharlal Nehru University, (CLL&CS) Center for Greek Studies
International Conference on “Demetrios Galanos and His Legacy: Indo-Greek scholarship 1790-2018″
February, 3 – 10, 2018: IGNCA Auditorium, New Delhi and Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
- Speech, “Ecumenical Personality of Mahatma Gandhi” by Dimitrios Vassiliadis
- Presentation of the book “Mahatma Gandi – The Great Guide” by Sofia Makraki
Special event on the 70th death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi
February 30, 2018, 6 pm: “Nectar of Love”, Nick. Mandilara 17 & Fleming str., Ag. I. Rentis