LAIKINDIA – Uniting the Indian with the Greek Music

The musical band LAIKINDIA, inspired by the Greek hindi-style songs of the 60’s, presents a repertoire of 10 songs with simultaneous performance in Greek and Hindi in 3 concerts organized in Athens.

Friday, July 3, 2020 at 21.00 : Cobra High, Metro Fix Syngrou (free contribution)

Saturday, July 4, 2020 at 21.00: Perperouna , Plato Academy (free contribution)

Sunday 5 July 2020 at 15.00: Galata, Gazi (3 euros)

Kinjal Vora : singing
Violette Boulanger: violin, singing, arrangement
Eva Mylona: accordion, singing
Salvatore Conticello: lute, singing
Maro Panagi: percussion, singing

In the 50’s, movies from Bollywood like Aan, Awaara, Shri 420 and Mother India came to Greece. Greek people identified with the dramatic plots and fell in love with the songs, the dances, and stunning actresses like Madhubala and Nargis.
For a decade Bollywood conquered Greece.

Composers and singers of Greek popular music took melodies from the Indian movies. About hundred songs were made, some of which are still played and loved in our times.

In new arrangements by the band Laikindia, the Greek songs meet the Indian originals. Scenes from the movies are shown in the background, and stories about the songs are told.

Read more about the Hindi -Style Songs in Helen Abadzi and Manolis Taoulas’ book “REVELATION OF HINDI-STYLE SONGS IN GREECE“, Indo-Greek Digital Library (free download in English and Greek)