Online screening of the documentary “From Foreigner to Foreigner: Demetrios Galanos-Benares”

Those who didn’t manage to join us on the online screening of the documentary “The Stranger in the Stranger: Dimitrios Galanos-Benares”, are invited to watch it with English subtitles on YouTube

On the occasion of the 187th death anniversary of Dimitrios Galanos the Athenian (1760-1833) – Forerunner of the Greek Indology and benefactor of the University of Athens.

The documentary
From Foreigner to Foreigner: Dimitrios Galanos-Benares
(52 ‘Greek language with English subtitles)
will be screened online on

Sunday, May 3, 2020 at 12:00 – 13:30 pm, Athens, UTC+3 hours

On the link:

A discussion will follow with the director of the documentary, Yannis Tritsibidas, the Indologist, Dr. Dimitrios Vassiliadis and Prof. Rana P.B. Singh from Banaras Hindu University.

FREE PARTICIPATION in the above link
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Time: May 3, 2020 12:00 Athens
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