Plan your holidays in Greece from India

athensHolidays in Greece (यूनान) are becoming increasingly popular with the Indians over the last years and you will find numerous holiday packages and cheap travel deals in the market.

The crossroads of colors, cultures and civilizations – Greece – is a country of an affluent historical past and beautiful Mediterranean scenes. Soak in the glory of Greece, walk through the olive groves, explore the breathtaking views ranging from beaches to rocky terrain and re-live the glory of the ancient sites.

Today’s visitors to Greece have the opportunity to trace the “fingerprints” of Greek history from the Paleolithic Era to the Roman Period in the hundreds of archaeological sites, as well as in the archaeological museums and collections that are scattered throughout the country.

Classical lovers should include tours to places like Athens, Marathon, Knossos, Delos Island, Delphi, MycenaeEpidaurus, Olympia, Pella (the capital of Alexander), Dodoni, Amphilolis, Dion, Kavala-Philippoi,  and Kos Island (the birthplace of the father of the Yunani medicine, Hippocrates).

Bollywood and Indian Cinema lovers can visit the beautiful locations chosen for shooting films by Indian filmmakers, and certainly this is only the beginning.  

Below is a list of useful links for Indians who will like to plan their Holidays in Greece:

Visit Greece: The Official website of the Greek Tourism Organization

Indian Film locations in Greece: Hellenic-Indian Society for Culture & Development

Latest Blogs from Greece: India Travel Blog

Packages for Greece Travel: Make my Trip

Greece Tour Packages from India: Horizons

Greece the Classic Mediterranean Destination: Silicon India Travel

Greece Holiday Tour Package: Journeyfix

 ndian Film locations in Greece: Hellenic-Indian Society for Culture & Development

Latest Blogs from Greece: India Travel Blog

Packages for Greece Travel: Make my Trip

Greece Tour Packages from India: Horizons

Greece the Classic Mediterranean Destination: Silicon India Travel

Greece Holiday Tour Package: Journeyfix