Presentation of the book “Indian Music” by Konstantinos Kalaitzis

The presentation of the book INDIAN MUSIC: Classical & Popular Music, Great Composers, Musical Instruments, Dances by Kostantinos Kalaitzis took place on January 30, 2023 at the Athens Conservatory in a special event organized by the General Secretariat of Hellenism Abroad and Public Diplomacy on the occasion of the official visit of the State Minister of External Affairs and Culture Smt. Meenakashi Lekhi.

Presentation of the book by Sathya Kassimi and Vasiliki Chrysanthopoulou,

The presentation of the book was made by Ms. Sathya Kassimi, Culturalist, Museumologist and curator of the publication and Ms. Vasiliki Chrysanthopoulou, Asst. Professor of Social Folklore at Athens University.

Konstantinos Kalaitzis and Sathya Kassimi, a huge contribution to the introduction of Indian music in Greece and beyond.

The event was attended by Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Nikos Dendias and Union Minister of State for External Affairs & Culture Smt. Meenakashi Lekhi, as well as General Secretary of Hellenism Abroad and Public Diplomacy Prof. Emer. John Chrysoulakis (who was the organizer of the whole event), Charge d’ Affaires  of India to Greece Mr. S. Rajendran, President of ELINEPA Indologist Prof. Dimitrios Vassiliadis, Cultural Attache of the Indian Embassy Ms. Anita Nagpal, Olympic gold medalist Demosthenes Tabakos, Director of the Museum of Greek Musical Instruments “Phoebos Anogiannakis” Ms. Vasiliki Polyzoi, President of the Olympus festival Mr. Grigoris Papachristou, BoD and Public Relations of the Greek-Indian Business Association (GIBA) Mr. Dimitris (James) Mimikos and members of the artistic and cultural life of Athens.

On the occasion of the event, the Inauguration ceremony of the Hellenic-Indian Women’s Organization for Business and Culture (WICCI.GR) took place

K. Kalaitzis sings Mahatma Gandhi’s favorite song “Vaishnava Janato” on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of his death following a special request from the Indian State Minister Ms. Meenakashi Lekhi.

The presentation was followed by a concert of Indian music with Konstantinos Kalaitzis (singing and guitar), Michael Romanopoulos (Indian harmonium) and Paban Kumar (tabla).

The State Minister of Foreign Affairs of India Meenakashi Lekhi, the General Secretary of Hellenism Abroad and Public Diplomacy Prof. Emr. John Chrysoulakis, and the President of ELINEPA Indologist Prof. Dimitrios Vassiliadis attending the event. 

The program ended with a concert of modern Greek music by violinist Evanthia Reboutsika and her band.

Konstantinos Kalaitzis’ book INDIAN MUSIC: Classical & Folk Music, Great Composers, Musical Instruments, Dances was published in 2021 by the Hellenic-Indian Society for Culture and Development (ELINEPA) with the kind support of the Embassy of India in Athens and it was praised by the Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi.

Cover photo: General Secretary for Greeks Abroad and Public Diplomacy Prof. Emer. John Chrysoulakis offers copies of the book by Konstantinos Kalaitzis to the Foreign Minister Mr. Nikos Dendias, to the State Minister of Foreign Affairs of India Ms. Meenakashi Lekhi and to the founding members of WICCI.GR