Sailing to Nagapathinam
by Dennis Dinopoulos
Under a full moon the sea silent as a snake, skin-
like; scales of pale light a smooth polished
veneer – ceiling to other forms of life. The bow
of our ship cutting through it like a blade, a curling,
murmuring roar; foam plays the role of a sorceress,
white lips blowing up white wet kisses. Further and
deeper into night we slice, feeling protected in one
huge embrace; here time knows no enemies. And
what we thought inaccessible is suddenly before us,
this absolute certitude that both pattern and design are
preconditions for whichever treasure we are likely
to find along the way.
We are sailing to Nagapathinam on the s.s Rajula,
I, with a port hole on top deck, on the lower
decks eighteen hundred deck passengers, and
high above us the moon like a pale adornment
in Brahman’s hands.
Poems by Dennis Dinopoulos published in Indika:
- Sailing to Nangapathinam, INDIKA 2016
- Πλέοντας προς το Ναγκαπαθινάμ, INΔIKA 2016 (Greek translation)
- Sarnath, INDIKA 2015
- As Dawn was Breaking Over Agra, INDIKA 2014
- Hero Cup Final, INDIKA 2013
- The Musician from New Delhi, INDIKA 2007
- Kajuraho,INDIKA 2006
- Our Lady Lakshmi, INDIKA 2005
- Victim of Life, INDIKA 2004