Special Celebration for the 141st Birthday of Mahatma Gandhi

The Hellenic-Indian Society for Culture and Development

 The Economic University of Athens &

The Indian Embassy in Athens 

are organizing a special celebration on the occasion of the

141st anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi


Friday 1 October 2010, hour 18 p.m.
at the Economic University of Athens [Α.S.Ο.Ε.Ε.]

76 Patission str.


Greeting by Professor Epaminonda Pana, Director of the Students’ club, Economic University of Athens.

Greeting by the Rector of the Economic University of Athens.

Greeting by H.E. the Ambassador of India to Greece, Mr. Tsewang Topden.

Speech by the Emeritus Professor of the Aegean University, Nicolas Vernikos on the theme: “The Values of Gandhi in Modern India”

The documentary «Mahatma Gandhi – The Great soul of the 20th century (in English with Greek subtitles, duration 45’) will be shown.

Gandhi’s favorite songs will be performed by Kostas Kalaitzis and Sumon (tabla) .

Entrance is  Free