The echo of the international conference on Dimitrios Galanos
The International Conference “Demetrios Galanos and His Legacy: Indo-Greek scholarship 1790-2018” held in New Delhi and Varanasi in February 2018 attracted the interest of the Greek and Indian press, which published extensive reports for the leading Greek Indologist who became a symbol of the modern Greek-Indian cultural relations. Below we provide links to some original publications, avoiding the republications made in a number of newspapers and websites. The article is updated constantly.
March 24, 2018: The Greek version of Wikipedia added a reference to the conference on the page “Δημήτριος Γαλανός“. The English version of Wikipedia added a reference to the conference on the page “Dimitrios Galanos“.
March 6, 2018: Dr Dimitrios Vassiliadis gave an interview to journalist Sissy Arvanitidou for her radio program “Cosmodromio”, broadcasted live on the First Program of the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation (ERT).
March 5, 2018: The Athenian newspaper Eleftheros Typos published an article by journalist Aliki Kotzia, titled “In the same steps … ancient Greeks and Indians”. Read the article (in Greek) HERE
February 26, 2018: The website of the School of Foreign Languages, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens published a reference for the lectures of Dr Dimitrios Vassiliadis in India. Read the referral (in Greek) HERE
February 28, 2018: ELINEPA’s website published an article titled “Greek-Indian dance creation: Sacred dance in ancient Greece and India – speeches by Leda Shantala in India“. INDIKA 2018
February 13, 2018: New Delhi’s newspaper Pioneer published an article by Priyadarsi Dutt, titled “Recalling the Greek Who Espoused India.” The same article was republished on the ELINEPA website with a photo of Galanos and the same title. INDIKA 2018
February 11, 2018: The Sunday Times of India (Varanasi edition) published an article by Soumya Sharma titled “Greek Professor with roots in India“. It was translated and republished on the website of ELINEPA with the same title. INDIKA 2018
February 11, 2018: The Sunday Times of India (Varanasi edition) published an article by Sanjay Gupta titled “Greek music plays a full house at the BHU auditorium”. Photographic republication in ELINEPA’s article, “Concerts of Greek Music in New Delhi and Varanasi – VIDEO“. INDIKA 2018
February 11, 2018: Hindi newspaper Amar Ujala (Varanasi edition) published an article titled “ग्रीक की लोक संस्कृति से रूबरू हुए बीएचयू छात्र” (Students of the BHU face Greek folk music). Similar publications about the music concert at the Banaras Hindu University (BHU) also appeared in other local newspapers. Photographic republication in the article of ELINEPA “Concerts of Greek Music in New Delhi and Varanasi – VIDEO“. INDIKA 2018
February 10, 2018: Hindi newspaper Dainik Jagaran (Varanasi edition) published an interview with Dimitris Vassiliadis entitled “हिंदी को अंतरराष्ट्रीय भाषा बनाना जरूरी” (Hindi should become an international language). It was translated and republished on the website of ELINEPA. INDIKA 2018
February 9, 2018: Hindi newspaper Hindustan (Varanasi edition) published an article titled, “प्राचीनतम संस्कृति के प्रतिनिधि हैं भरत-यूनान”. Translated and published on ELINEPA’s website under the title “Indian Professors: India and Greece are representatives of the oldest cultures”. INDIKA 2018
February 8, 2018: TV coverage of Dimitrios Galanos conference by Varta: Sanskrit News of India’s “Doordarshan” National Television. Watch the coverage (in the Sanskrit language after 1.3 minutes) below:
February 4, 2018 (updated February 28, 2018): ELINEPA’s website published an article titled, “Demetrios Galanos and his Legacy: Sanskrit Studies in Greece – lectures by Dr Dimitrios Vassiliadis in India“. INDIKA 2018
February 3, 2018: United News of India published an article titled, “International Conference on ‘Demetrios Galanos and His Legacy’ begins in New Delhi“. INΔIKA 2018
February 3, 2018: Press Information Bureau, Government of India, Ministry of Culture published an article titled, «International Conference on ‘DemetriosGalanos and His Legacy’ begins in New Delhi»
January 26, 2018 (updated February 28, 2018): ELINEPA’s website has published an article titled “Concerts of Greek Music in New Delhi and Varanasi – VIDEO“. INDIKA 2018
January 3, 2018: Hindi newspaper Tahalka News published an article by Anurag Tiwari for the upcoming conference titled “एक ऐसा ग्रीक विद्वान् जिसने काशी में रह कर किया भारतीय ग्रंथों का ग्रीक अनुवाद” (A Greek scholar who lived in Benares and translated the holy texts of India into the Greek language). Read the Hindi article HERE
January 1, 2018 (updated February 28, 2018): ELINEPA’s website published an article titled, “International Conference on “Demetrios Galanos and His Legacy: Indo-Greek scholarship 1790-2018″. INDIKA 2018
November 2017 (updated February 10, 2018): The website of the Indira Gandhi National Center of Arts (IGNCA) published articles and photos about the conference held in New Delhi and Varanasi. See the relevant webpages HERE