Tunji Mela 2011
Concerts and Seminars in Indian Classical Music
Τhe Ιndo-Ηellenic Society for Culture and Development (ELINEPA) with the kind support of the Indian Embassy in Greece organizes for 2nd year Indian
classical music concerts (Dhrupad and Kayal) and seminars in Athens, Nafplio, Arta and Parga.
The program of the Festival is as follows:
- Saturday 4 June at New Benaki Museum (Peiraeus 138) time 21.00
Govinda Goswami (Sitar), Uday Bhawalkar (Drupad), Eric Alsen (Senai), Giannis Zannis (Tampla), Giorgos Glinos (Pakawaj)
- Friday 10 June at Mihalis Kakogiannis Foundation (Peiraeus 206) time 21.00
Ram Kumar Mishra (Tampla), Uday Bhawalkar (Drupad), Giorgos Glinos (Pakawaj)
- Sunday 12 June at St. George Square, Nafplio, time 21.00
Ram Kumar Mishra (Tampla), Uday Bhawalkar (Drupad), Giorgos Glinos (Pakawaj)
Three days Drupad seminar with Uday Bhawalkar from 7 June (Pyrrou 20, Ν. Kifisia time 18.00)
Three days Tampla seminar with Ram Kumar Mishra from 13 June (Pyrrou 20, Ν. Kifisia time 18.00)
Ram Kumar Mishra’s Program (Parga and Arta)
4 to 7 June tampla seminar at Ηarmony Resort Parga
- Sunday 5 June Concert at Ηarmony Resort Parga
- Wednesday 8 June concert at Cine Pallas, Arta
Information- Organizer (Athens-Nafplio) Giorgos Glinos, tel. 6951666633, www.sangit.org
Information-Organizer (Parga – Arta) Giorgos Evagelou, tel. 6972694620, www.pargaharmony.gr
Sponsors of the Festival: Gulf Air, Parga Harmony Resort.
Communication Sponsors: Mega radio and TV chanel, Pontiki, Kosmos 93.6, eculture.gr, κοντέινερ, Metro.
For further details photoes and videos please visit www.sangit.org