Arun Gandhi at the presentation of his book “The Gift of Anger” in Athens
The well-known activist and grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, Arun Gandhi came to Greece and spoke to the Athenian audience on the occasion of the presentation of his book “The Gift of Thought” on Wednesday, May 29, at 21:00, at the Public Cafe, Syntagma.
Watch the whole video with his speech
Arun Gandi will give another speech on Saturday 1/6/2019 at the Central Stage of TEDxAthens at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation for Culture.
As a young child, Arun Gandhi was subjected to racial discrimination under South Africa’s apartheid. Later his parents later sent him to live for 2 years with his grandfather Mahatma Gandhi in his ashram in India. With his book “The Gift of Anger,” Arun recounts his experience with anger and shares the precious lessons of life on love, peace, and happiness taught by his grandfather.
Gandhi’s words are still timely and a valuable life-guide, reminding us that love is the greatest power in the world.
The author will answer the listeners’ questions during the event, which will be broadcast live from his public café page on Facebook.
Free entrance!