Call for Abstracts – The Conference on Mediterranean and European Linguistic Anthropology 2020

Location – American University of Greece, Athens, Greece
Date – September 2-5, 2020

The Call for Abstracts is now open, at the following link, with all information. https://comela2020.acg.edu

The COMELA 2020 theme, “Bounded languages … Unbounded,” encapsulates the ongoing struggle throughout the Mediterranean and European regions. The tension between demarcation and legitimization of languages, language ideologies, and language identities, is entering an era where new modes of interactivity require language communities with roles superordinate to the past. Flexible citizenship now operates within, and not only across, language communities, to unbind languages, yet to create new boundaries never seen throughout history.

The Conference on Mediterranean and European Linguistic Anthropology (COMELA) 2020 invites work on shifting boundedness of Language Communities of the Mediterranean and Europe. Submissions should acknowledge and describe processes of language shape, change, and ideology, pertinent to social, cultural, and political histories and futures, of Mediterranean and European regions, or work by those working in Mediterranean and European regions.

Over 500 scholars globally will gather to present papers and engage in progressive discussion on the Linguistic Anthropology, Language and Society, and related fields, of the Mediterranean and Europe.

Keynote and Plenary Speakers – Jan Blommaert and other prominent Keynote Speakers

Official Partners

  • Taylor and Francis Global Publishers (Official Partners)
  • SOAS, University of London
  • University College London
  • Over 120 academic institutions globally (University of Hawai’i, Temple University, University of Illinois University, Montclair State University, Ohio State University, University College Dublin, Stockholm University, and so forth)
  • Scientific Committee of over 120 academics globally prominent in Linguistic Anthropology and related fields