Exhibition “Engravers of the World” in Thessaloniki

The Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki and

the Greek Association of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders

 inaugurate on

Wednesday 12 September 2018, at 20:00

the periodic exhibition


 duration until October 24, 2018

Free entrance

In the context of its cultural activities, the Greek Association of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders, in collaboration with the Thessaloniki Archaeological Museum, organizes an Exhibition of Engraving and Sculpture with the participation of 44 artists from 17 countries.

Among them are 15 engravers from Greece –

Gabriel Andronikidis, Euphrosyne Vizovytou, Manolis Giannadakis, Alexander Giannios Nikos Desekopoulos, Kristiana Iliopoulos Dimitris Karlaftopoulos, Angelica Korovessi, Giannis Lukas, Giannis Monogios Theodore Papayannis, Jordan Pimenidis, Bessie Syrou, Stathis Sotirchos, and Christos Tassios

and 5 engravers from India –

Apte Dattatreya, Kavita Nayar, Laxma Goud, Pritam Deuskar and Yusuf.

In addition to its multifaceted scientific and humanitarian work, Alzheimer Hellas is also active in the cultural field, organizing for the eighth consecutive year a visual exhibition. This year’s exhibition is international and dedicated to engraving.

The aim of the exhibition is to bring the general public in contact with modern engraving and with the power of art to inform and sensitize visitors about the above diseases.

A total of 88 fine artistic creations are presented, most of them engraving works by prominent artists from Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and America, giving a unique opportunity for the public to discover a palimpsy of engraving depictions.

Photo: A lonely tree-night, © Tomiyuki Sakuta, τονική οξυγραφία, 52×38 cm, 2010, ΙΑΠΩΝΙΑ

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