Mahatma Gandhi’s 144th Birthday Celebration

gandhiOn the occasion of the 144th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the Hellenic-Indian Society for Culture and Development (ELINEPA), the New York College Athens and the Indian Embassy in Athens organize a special presentation 

on Wednesday 2nd October 2013 at 17.30 hrs

At the New York College of Athens (38 Amalias Ave. Syntagma).

The program has as follows:

Welcome address by the President of the NYC, Mr. Elias Foutsis

Welcome address by H.E. the Ambassador of India, Mr. Tsewang Topden

Speech by  the President of ELINEPA, Dr. Dimtrios Vassiliadis “The Significance of Mahatma Gandhi’s Philosophy in the Time of Crisis” 

Speech by Prof. Yannis Fikas “Education & Work in the Philosophy of Gandhi” 

Photo exhibition from Gandhi’s house by Kostas Kalaitzis

Gandhi’s favorite songs by Kostas Kalaitzis

Bharat Natyam Dance by Kleoniki Karahaliou from the Artistic Studio Oriental Expression


Tea and Snacks in the garden of NYC

Free Entrance