Call for Papers – Seminar on the “Confluence of Civilizations: India, Greece & Others” at JNU
23rd-24th December 2018
Convention Center, JNU, New Delhi
The Greek Chair at JNU, New Delhi will be organizing a National Seminar on the theme “Confluence of Civilizations: India, Greece & Others” on 23rd-24th December 2018 at the Convention Center of the University.
Faculty Members and Research Scholars are, hereby, invited to participate in the seminar and present their research papers on any of the following areas of study, in the Literary and /or cultural contacts of 1) Greece and India, 2) Greece and Arabia, 3) Greece and Persia, 4) Greece and Japan, 5) Greece and Korea, 6) Greece and China, 7) Greece and South-East Asia, 8) Greece and European Countries, 9) Greece and Americas and /or any other theme related area of study.
An abstract of around 300 words may be e-mailed to the Convenor of the seminar by 15th December 2018. Full and final papers may be submitted during the seminar. A reputed publisher, at the earliest possible, will publish selected papers in a hardcover volume in 2019.
Dr. Anil Kumar Singh,
Assistant Professor
Greek Chair, SLL&CS
JNU, New Delhi-110067
Mobile No.- 8800557233